Save the date for Founders’ Day October 1-4, 2020!
Spalding Launches Occupational Therapy Certificate, Doctoral Track in Upper Extremity Rehabilitation
With one of Kentucky’s premier certified hand therapists serving as a lead instructor, Spalding University’s Auerbach School of Occupational Therapy is offering a new graduate certificate and post-professional doctoral track in Upper Extremity Rehabilitation.
Spalding To Launch New Master of Arts In Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program That Will Train Compassionate Mental Health Professionals
During a time of widespread anxiety and uncertainty caused by the coronavirus, Spalding University is set to launch a graduate academic program to develop professional counselors. This program, in keeping with the mission of Spalding, will train compassionate mental health professionals.
Spalding, JCPS Partner to Launch Aspiring Leaders Principal Prep Program To Bolster JCPS Principal Pipeline
The Spalding University College of Education and Jefferson County Public Schools have announced a partnership on a new graduate academic program at Spalding that is designed specifically to prepare JCPS employees to become principals, helping bolster the principal pipeline in the school district.
Spalding School of Social Work Launching Louisville’s First Doctor of Social Work Program
The Spalding University School of Social Work is taking the next step in its social justice mission by launching the first Doctor of Social Work (DSW) program in Louisville and one of the first in Kentucky.
Spalding, Kosair Charities Unveil Kosair Charities Leadership Development Institute to Train Nonprofit Leaders
Kosair Charities and Spalding University announced Thursday, Aug. 1, the creation of the Kosair Charities Leadership Development Institute, a yearlong training program for leaders of nonprofit organizations within the Kosair Charities network. The institute aims to improve and enhance already high-performing nonprofits that are dedicated to supporting children and families.