Spalding University
Alumni Communities

Just because you graduated doesn’t mean you can’t stay involved with your favorite parts of Spalding University! Organized around academic programs, interest areas, or campus groups, Spalding Alumni Communities allow graduates to build upon the connections they formed as Spalding students.
Each Alumni Community shares information about how alums can attend events, stay current on news, or engage with fellow alumni, students, or faculty.
Click the icons below to learn more about how you can stay connected.
Just because you graduated doesn’t mean you can’t stay involved with your favorite parts of Spalding University! Organized around academic programs, interest areas, or campus groups, Spalding Alumni Communities allow graduates to build upon the connections they formed as Spalding students.
Each Alumni Community shares information about how alums can attend events, stay current on news, or engage with fellow alumni, students, or faculty.
Click the icons below to learn more about how you can stay connected.