Annual Giving

Planned Giving
Looking for a way to support Spalding University and leave a lasting legacy? We’ve partnered with FreeWill, an online tool that guides you through the process of creating your legally valid estate plan at no cost. In just 20 minutes, this tool allows you to secure the future of your loved ones and the causes you care about — and create a planned gift that will forge a legacy and sustain Spalding's mission for years to come. Get started today!.
How To Support
Payment Methods

Learn How To Make A
Lasting Impact
Establishing a planned gift with Spalding University helps us carry the Spalding mission into the future in a way that best suits your financial and philanthropic goals. Click here to learn more about how your generosity can make a lasting difference for our Spalding community.
Your planned gift will help us carry out our mission for many years ahead. You can give a future gift through your estate or an immediate gift that returns income. You’ll enjoy significant tax savings while providing for a cause that’s meaningful to you.