Alumni College – Design Thinking and Creative Innovation: Leaning into Change with Professor Deb Whistler, Program Director, Creative Arts

“Logic will take you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.”-Albert Einstein

This mini “course,” part of an offering we are calling “Alumni College,” focuses on training your brain to collaborate between the creative and the logical – crucial in achieving a holistic approach to problem-solving during a time when we are faced with complex problems. This class will look at the space between the “Great Divide” of creative and analytical thinking as we train ourselves to discover connections between opposites as a way to move towards creative solutions. We will participate in creative exercises that will help us develop a positive mindset, learn the power of asking 5 whys, the secret to moving beyond the obvious and developing grit that will help us to approach every challenge as an opportunity to create change.

Deborah Whistler is currently the Program Director of Art at Spalding University. She received her BFA from Miami University in 1981 and her MFA with a concentration in printmaking from the University of Cincinnati in 1996.


Oct 03 2020


2:00 pm - 3:00 pm



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